The work on the Konya Metropolitan Area and the neibourhood Transportation Master Plan (KONUAP) started in 2012 and was completed in 2014 with the approval from the General Directorate of Infrastructure Investments (AYGM) from the Turkish Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure. Then, in line with the investments planned by the Turkish Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure and related municipal units regarding the city center of Konya, a need arose to review the transportation master plan decisions and make revisions where necessary. In this regard, the KONUAP study, whose target year is 2030, was updated in 2015.
In order to determine the travel forecasts to be created for the KONUAP target year, the target and interim year estimates of the population, employment, labour force, number of students, income, automobile ownership, which will be inputs to the four-stage transportation demand forecasting model, were made. By using the transportation demand forecasting model, the public transportation network of the City Center (Karatay, Meram and Selçuklu Districts) was updated and the 2030 Konya Transportation Master Plan Final Report was prepared.
With the KONUAP study, the necessary transportation investments and their priorities; operating and management policies and principles of the transport and traffic system; As of the target year, it was ensured that the travel demands expected to occur in the short, medium and long term could be met with public transportation priority transportation. In the Konya Transportation Master Plan, regulations and suggestions have been developed under the following topics:
- Rail system suggestions,
- Rubber-tyred public transport recommendations,
- Transfer center recommendations (Transfer between modes of transportation),
- Park & Drive suggestions,
- Intermediate public transport system suggestions,
- Transportation suggestions to intercity and surrounding settlements,
- Pedestrian transportation / pedestrianization suggestions,
- Disabled transportation recommendations,
- Bicycle transportation suggestions,
- Highway infrastructure proposals,
- City center proposals,
- Parking system suggestions,
- Urban freight transport recommendations and
- Institutional structuring suggestions.
Within the scope of the Master Plan, priority rail lines of the proposed transportation network have been identified and preliminary projects have been prepared.
- Province KONYA
- Country Türkiye
Konya Metropolitan Municipality
Transportation Planning and Rail System Department
- Work Schedule 2015-2015
Scope of the Work
- Information Gathering Studies
- Short Term Transportation and Traffic Improvement Studies and Projects
- Preparation of Konya Transportation Master Plan
- Preparation of Priority Public Transport Line Preliminary Projects
- Preparation of Priority Public Transport Line Pre-Feasibility Reports
- Coordination with the Ministry